Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries for American women. Some choose breast enlargement to correct asymmetry or to balance the proportions of the body. Other women may simply desire larger breasts to increase their self-confidence. Mayo Clinic-trained, board-certified Nashville plastic surgeon Chad Robbins, M.D., F.A.C.S., uses saline or silicone breast implants to create a natural looking increase in breast size that complements a woman’s frame. Dr. Robbins’ breast augmentation patients report a boost in self-image and a lasting appreciation for their enhanced breasts.
What Is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation aims to help women unsatisfied with the current size and shape of their breasts. Breasts augmentation, or breast enlargement, is typically done through the use of breast implants. The goal of breast augmentation is to improve the proportions of a woman’s body and improve confidence in women. With Dr. Robbins, women are able to choose from a variety of breast implants to achieve their individual desired results according to size, shape, and feel of the breasts.
Before & After Pictures
Breast Augmentation – Patient KG843932
Breast Augmentation – TC71183
7769 Breast Augmentation
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
The benefits of breast augmentation range from personal to aesthetic. Personally, individuals who undergo breast augmentation report increased self-esteem, feeling better in (and out of) clothing, and a more outgoing outlook on life. Aesthetically, the benefits of breast augmentation include a more attractive silhouette, a youthful appearance to the breasts, a more proportionate body, and increased femininity.
Desired Results of Breast Augmentation Plastic Surgery
Breast enlargement with implants offers patients the unique opportunity to customize the size and shape of their breasts, as well as create the desired proportions between their chest and hips. Dr. Robbins listens closely to each patient’s wishes and works with her to choose the best implant options.
Individual Goals
During a personal consultation, Dr. Robbins realistically discusses a patient’s breast enlargement goals. Together, he and the patient decide which procedures Dr. Robbins will perform and which type of implant to use (silicone gel or saline) in order to achieve the desired results. Some patients who receive breast implants may also undergo breast lift surgery, while others undergo breast augmentation as part of a mommy makeover procedure. Once a date for surgery is set, Dr. Robbins provides instructions about how to prepare. Each patient also schedules a pre-operative appointment to review medical history, take pre-operative photographs, and try on different implants to help her get a feel for what she will look like after her breast augmentation.
Breast Augmentation Procedure Details
On the day of surgery, each patient has a final consultation with Dr. Robbins to review her implant choice and go over any questions.
Dr. Robbins can place the implants underneath the muscle (submuscular) or over the muscle (subglandular). He generally prefers submuscular placement, but always considers the potential benefits that either method may provide, depending on a patient’s aesthetic goals and the existing contour of her chest. Together, Dr. Robbins and the patient will decide the best location for the implants, while minimizing the visibility of any possible scarring.
After a breast augmentation procedure, a patient may be sore for a few days. However, most women are able to resume normal activities soon thereafter. Dr. Robbins and his staff will provide each patient with comprehensive post-operative instructions, personalized to her unique circumstances.
Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation Surgery?
If you are unhappy with the current size, shape, or structure of the breast, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery. Because Dr. Robbins offers multiple kinds of breast implant options, he is confident women will feel more than satisfied with the results of breast augmentation. If you’re ready for larger, firmer, or more lifted breasts, it’s time to schedule your first breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Robbins today.
How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?
The cost of breast augmentation can vary for each patient. Because there is a variety of procedures offered to breast augmentation candidates, it’s difficult to predict the cost without a consultation. Most breast augmentation procedures are considered elective, so it is unlikely insurance will cover any of the cost. To provide affordability and accessibility for his own patients, Dr. Robbins offers financing plans to all patients considering breast augmentation.
Chad Robbins, M.D., F.A.C.S., is a board-certified plastic surgeon, RealSelf Top Doctor, and a leading provider of breast and body contouring procedures to patients throughout Nashville and Franklin. In addition to performing breast augmentation and breast lift, Dr. Robbins is renowned for his skills as a breast reduction, liposuction and abdominoplasty surgeon. He also performs lower body lift for men and women who are interested in more extensive changes to their figure. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, contact us today.